Old Advert. Torn From a Late ’80’s New York Magazine Featuring Matches from Famous Iconic NYC Night Clubs
Sorry for the old water stains and general tattiness of this old ad but I thought that I was obligated to share it with my fellow Phillumists!
This is an old advertisement for New York Magazine from the late ’80’s that featured matches from some of the most iconic nightclubs in NYC beginning with STUDIO 54 (1977), XENON (1978), MAGIQUE (1980), AREA (1981), PALLADIUM (1985), NELLS (1987) AND M.K.(1988).
Among the ones depicted in that ad, my favorites were AREA in Tribeca, PALLADIUM on East 14th St with it’s famous private “invite only” celebrity packed Michael Todd Room and NELLS on West 14th street offering it’s comfortable shabby chic old ‘Victorian Library’ theme. I experienced many unforgettable good times while attending each of those clubs, as well as many others at the time including The TUNNEL CLUB, The LIMELIGHT, CBGB’s, MAX’S KANSAS CITY, THE ROOFTOP, SAVE THE ROBOTS and The PYRAMID CLUB in Alphabet City back when I was living in an apt in the ’80’s on Thompson St. in Greenwich Village.
In my opinion, the New York City of the ’80’s was the last era when NYC was the center of the nightclub universe; a period where one was able to experience the REAL unvarnished NYC club scene & live music without being forced to fork over $100-$200 for the privilege, a time when the City was a daily adventure (that was sometimes pretty scary) but I lived to tell the tale. It was the City that literally NEVER SLEPT! A time before the Bloomberg NYC of today that has sadly shed it’s reputation as “FUN CITY”.
Today’s NYC sold it’s soul by allowing itself to be dominated by the giant corporate footprints of a Starbucks on every corner, a GAP on every avenue, a “fill in the blank name” of every National Bank on every other corner that isn’t a Starbucks, a Duane Reade/Walgreens, a “fill in the blank name”-Fast Food joint, and every national retail store stuffed into any available storefront that could be found inhabiting a mall in Anytown USA. The lack of today’s diversity of locally unique NYC retail and entertainment venues is the sad result of skyrocketing rents offered by greedy landlords that only National & International corporations could afford.
Well, that’s enough of my ranting for now….
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