NEW Facebook Group Created for Fellow Lovers of Light (a.k.a. Match Collectors)


All you Hard Core (and not so Hard Core) Match Collectors out there, please be sure to check out my new FB Group "Advertising Match Book & Match Box Collectors Group"

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERALots of great pics of a sampling of #matchbooks and #matchboxes that Joe Danon and #TheMatchGroup have produced over the past 28 years! Please feel free to post pics of examples from your match collections. Enjoy!



To order your business' own branded matches go to: or CALL 800.605.7331 Today!

Vanity Fair Magazine Feature FANFAIR July 2000 Issue "A Certain Flare" Celebrating the Resurgence of Match Advertising After Smoking Bans Were Implemented Throughout the U.S.

VANITY FAIR Magazine July 2000 Issue

FANFAIR ARTICLE "A CERTAIN FLARE" FEATURING the Resurgence of "Signature Matchbooks" [branded matches]


This article celebrates the resurgence along with the relevance and effectiveness of branded restaurant matches right after several major cities had implemented their smoking bans, circa July 2000.
The article's writer Steve Garbarino, made the argument for restaurants to continue purchasing and distributing their decorative advertising matches for them to serve the important purpose of being used as an alternative [functional] business card.

The majority of the matches pictured in the article happened to be produced by Joe Danon such as PASTIS, MATCH, MOOMBA, JOE'S PUB, CAMPAGNA, BAR CODE, FLORENT, CAFE LOUP, ODEON, LEMON, BOND ST, RESTAURANT DANIEL and ASIA de CUBA.

Branded match boxes and match books act as viral advertising that are used as an effective method for recommending a restaurant by being passed by a person who had a pleasant dining experience at the restaurant to their friends and family.

Historically, advertising matches have always been treasured as collectibles and as mementos of good times and travels that continue to make their intended repetitive impression on the restaurants' clientele until the last match has been struck -and sometimes even years later!

To order your business' own branded matches call 800.605.7331 or goto TheMatchGroup Today!

Striking Images: Matchbook Advertising Article from UnderTheInfluence by CBC Rado

Fantastic Article about the remarkable story and journey of match advertising with references to some remarkable "moments in match history"     Under The Influence

Vintage Wrigley Spearmint Gum Advertising Match Book They were the first company to utilize matches in a National Advertising Campaign.
Vintage Wrigley Spearmint Gum Advertising Match Book
They were the first company to utilize matches in a National Advertising Campaign.

To order your Buisiness' own branded match books get in touch with one of our "matchmakers" at TheMatchGroup or call 1-800.605.7331 TODAY!


Awesome post re. TheMatchGroup by

Pin Up Tiki FrontStriker Match Book Cover
Pin Up Tiki FrontStriker Match Book Cover

Fantastic blog post re. TheMatchGroup by It's a very entertaining essay that does a great job of presenting TheMatchGroup by first pointing out our obvious mission of designing, selling and producing advertising matchbooks to a variety of businesses. Then the piece goes on to emphasize the history and artistry of match advertising by singling out the category of Pinup matchbooks as an example of the lasting influence that match advertising continues to carry the "torch" right up to this present day! blog

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